
We're always on the lookout for exciting shows to add to our Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter Seasons.

First of all – do you have a finished show?

If not, you might like to check out how we can help you Develop Your Project. If you have, here’s what you need to know.

Our spaces

The Playhouse has three performances spaces: the Quarry, a 750+ seat thrust; the Courtyard, a 420+ seat proscenium arch; and the Bramall Rock Void, a 97+ seat studio.

Our seasons

Our seasons run January to July, and September to January. We typically aim to programme 8-18 months ahead, so we need to start discussions well in advance.

What do we programme?

We favour high quality productions that reflect diverse communities and the world we live in today. We don’t tend to programme live music, film or novelty acts like hypnotists or mediums. We also don’t programme amateur companies because we have strong pre-existing links with established community companies who perform annually at our Open Season.

What do we offer?

We generally offer box office splits in the artist’s favour or guarantees that allow them to cover their costs. These deals are negotiated on a performance by performance basis, taking into account everything from the scale of the production to estimated audience reach. These deals are also regularly part of a bigger support package – we often invite visiting companies to deliver workshops to our local artist network and we’re open to innovative community engagement initiatives.

What to do now

If you’d like to tour work to us, email our producing team at, including a tour pack, tech spec and video footage of the show if you have it.

We need to know:

  • the technical specifications of the show
  • what kind of a financial deal you’re looking for
  • what dates you have available
  • some artistic information about the show

If you are an emerging company and need help with your tour pack, email Furnace Producer Rio Matchett at for advice.

Got a finished show that's ready to tour?

Contact out Producing Team

Get in touch

    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Founded by UK government
  • Suppoprted by west Yorkshire
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell