Fascinating facts about The Rubbish Shakespeare Company

21 Feb 2024

Fancy some facts that are absolutely, definitely not rubbish?

  • The Rubbish Shakespeare Company (RubSC) was founded by three Liverpool John Moores University graduates in 2007 on a mission to make Shakespeare For All. Their ongoing goal is to ensure the Bard’s work is accessible to everyone, regardless of background. And, for those who’ve had negative formative experiences with his classic plays, to show that Shakespeare is not, in fact, rubbish!
  • RubSC was originally a street theatre company, moving into the classroom eight years ago to deliver quality Creative Education after a performance in front of a delighted primary school teacher.
  • They have since adapted ten of Shakespeare’s classics into their ‘Rubbish’ style and have delivered shows to tens of thousands of students, sometimes with as little as a week’s notice (speedy Shakespeare!).
  • They have enjoyed successful collaborations with both the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Canal & River Trust.
  • In April 2016, RubSC performed at the Bard by the Beach Festival in Morecambe – their first performance of a ‘Rubbish’ play to the general public, which set them on a new path that includes theatre tours as well as school shows.
  • As well as Romeo and Juliet, they have written ‘Rubbish’ versions of: Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, Anthony and Cleopatra, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merry Wives of Windsor and Much Ado About Nothing. With 1 month’s notice though, they say they can adapt any of the Bard’s 37 plays!

    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell