
Tackling Confinement in Orphanages

10 Mar 2025

  • Tickets
  • Venue
    Barber Studio

Join us for a story of hope, and how the world can be changed for the better.

Mark and Jenalla Waddington, father and daughter, will run a lively presentation and illuminating conversation that will reveal the overlooked and fascinating story of the remarkable progress being made to tackle the global injustice faced by millions of children who are confined in the world’s orphanages.

Orphanages are harmful to children, with many run as profit making endeavours. More than 5.4 million children suffer neglect, sometimes appalling abuse, and have to live with the lifelong consequences of institutionalisation.

Mark and Jenalla’s presentation will be inspired by poetry, informed by science, and will lift the spirits of the audience with real-life stories of courage from around the world.

To book, click here.

Mark Waddington is the Chief Executive of Hope and Homes for Children. He has served on the board of Barnardo’s, the UK’s largest children’s charity, and helped to establish as well as chair its foundation. He was previously the CEO of the international charity, War Child. In his spare time, he runs a project, Radical Accountability, which is assessing systemic bias and discrimination in the humanitarian sector. Mark was awarded the CBE in 2019 for services to global child protection. He is writing a book on the white-washing of Rock ‘n Roll history.

Jenalla Waddington is a student of French and Linguistics at Christchurch College, Oxford. A musician (RHAINE), tailor, published poet and traveller, she has a deep-seated interest in feminism, and in tackling the on-going injustice of racism.


    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell