Leeds Playhouse pays tribute to Rozina Breen ahead of departure as Chair of the Board and seeks new Chair for the theatre

9 May 2024

Leeds Playhouse has announced that Rozina Breen will be stepping down as Chair of the Board this autumn due to work commitments after serving a term of four years in the role. She is delighted to be continuing as a Trustee on the Playhouse’s Board.

Rozina, who is CEO and Editor in Chief of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and previously Head of North for BBC England, has steered the Playhouse through the pandemic and contributed to the consolidation and strengthening of the theatre in the challenging years which followed. During her tenure as Chair the theatre has won UK Theatre’s Most Welcoming Theatre award 2022, rebuilt audience numbers achieving record ticket sales for the 2023/4 festive show, and has embarked on a journey to become an anti-racist organisation through an extensive and ongoing Plan for Change programme.

Rozina Breen said: “Theatre has the potential to be the communal heartbeat of the places and the citizens it serves. Leeds Playhouse is lucky to be at the centre of a richly diverse and entrepreneurial region.

“It’s been a privilege to hold the tenurship of Chair of the Board at Leeds Playhouse since 2020. I am impressed and inspired by everything it aims to be. I know the Playhouse will continue to be bold and courageous under James and Shawab’s leadership and I’m excited to continue my contribution as a trustee.”

Playhouse Artistic Director and Chief Executive James Brining and Executive Director Shawab Iqbal said: Rozina is a true ambassador for the north and for Leeds Playhouse. We’d like to thank her for her insight, support and unwavering dedication to the theatre, helping us to navigate the turbulent and challenging context in which we’re all working.  She has supported us to continue to produce outstanding and meaningful productions as well as providing platforms for under-represented and marginalised voices whilst finding creative ways to amplify the narrative and potential of the region, something to which she is passionately committed. Rozina has also encouraged us to create partnerships and collaborations that bring together different minds and opinions to attract and empower staff who reflect the diversity of the UK.”

Leeds Playhouse is now seeking a new Chair – a leader in the commercial business, charity or culture sector, with a connection with the Leeds city region, who will drive innovation, give a steer on commercial strategy, and will champion social justice and inclusive practices. The post-holder will be a trustee of the charity that operates Leeds Playhouse, Leeds Theatre Trust Ltd. Full information and how to apply for this role is available here or via the link below. The deadline for applications is Monday 3 June.


    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell