Creative Literacy Workshops

Our exciting and engaging creative literacy workshops are specially designed to support and enhance students’ understanding of English Literature and Language.

Our extensive set of workshops are listed below. To book onto the workshops or for enquiries please fill out this form.

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Use a variety of drama techniques, including freeze frames, character movement and soundscapes, to bring to life a variety of traditional fairy tales. Suitable for EYFS and KS1.

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Level up your poetry performance skills, learn about how poets use language and rhythm to make poems and rhymes which are exciting to perform. Suitable for children in EYFS and KS1.

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Do you want to go on a bear hunt? In this workshop, we will use movement and soundscapes go through (not over or under) thick squelchy mud, long swishy grass and deep cold rivers. Suitable for children in EYFS and KS1.

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Beegu is not supposed to be on Earth. She is lost. Beegu is a friendly little creature, but so far the people she has met on earth are not. Maybe you can help Beegu find her way home. Suitable for children in KS1.

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The enormous crocodile is hungry – and he’s hungry for children! In this workshop, children will use drama to bring the tale of the dastardly enormous crocodile to life. Suitable for children in KS1.

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Use drama to explore some of histories most gruesome and gory Myths and Legends. This workshop can be tailored to explore myths from Norse, Greek or Roman or Celtic traditions. Suitable for children in Lower KS2 and Upper KS2.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

The Crayons have had enough, for too long, Duncan has been taking advantage of them, and they aren’t going to stand for it anymore. Pupils will get into character as one of the quitting crayons. Suitable for children in LKS2 and UKS2.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Can your class solve the mystery of Camp Green Lake? In this workshop, pupils will use a variety of drama techniques to explore and summarise the story of Holes. Suitable for pupils in UKS2

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Use movement and physical theatre techniques to explore The Arrival, a visual tale of a mans journey to a strange new place. Suitable for pupils in UKS2.

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Are you ready to enter Narnia? This workshop uses a variety of drama techniques to help pupils explore and understand C.S. Lewis‘ classic tale, a fantastic companion to our upcoming revival on the Quarry Stage. Suitable for children in LKS2 and UKS2.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Take Shakespeare‘s plays from the page to the stage. This workshop will help pupils think about Shakespeare‘s classic stories in context, as plays to be performed. This workshop can be tailored to a variety of Shakespeare texts including Macbeth, Hamlet, The Tempest and Romeo and Juliet. Suitable for pupils in UKS2.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.


This workshop helps young people to understand Shakespeare‘s play in context, considering how performance and staging affect the text. Students will be asked to think about the text as actors and directors and explore how they would bring the text to life. Suitable for students in KS3.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Find your voice! This workshop explores a range of political poetry, encouraging students to explore poetry as a medium for protest and communication. Students will learn about how language, intonation, tone, volume, silence, stillness and action can add impact to a performance. Suitable for students in KS3.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world which isn’t quite right. This devised theatre workshop support students creatively imagine their own dystopias, developing their worldbuilding skills and bringing their ideas to life through performance. Suitable for students in KS3.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Explore how theatre makers adapt a text for the stage. This workshop draws on physical theatre techniques, referencing the National Theatre‘s production of Curious Incident, to explore how a text is taken from the page to the stage. Suitable for students in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Explore how theatre makers adapt a text for the stage. This workshop, created in conjunction with our upcoming production of Animal Farm, explores how a text is adapted for the stage and encourages young people to think about how they might stage this show. This is a great way to bring Animal Farm to life. Suitable for students in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Gothic novels are a cornerstone of our Literary Heritage. In this workshop, pupils will use sound, movement and performance to bring to life the spooky world of literature’s gothic greats. Suitable for pupils in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Explore how theatre makers adapt a text for the stage. This workshop, created in conjunction with Leeds Playhouse‘s own production of Lord of the Flies, explores how a text is adapted for the stage and encourages young people to think about how they might stage this show. This is a great way to bring Lord of the Flies to life. Suitable for students in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.


Explore how theatre makers adapt a text for the stage. This workshop, created in conjunction with Leeds Playhouse‘s own production of Lord of the Flies, explores how a text is adapted for the stage and encourages young people to think about how they might stage this show. This is a great way to bring Lord of the Flies to life. Suitable for students in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Explore how theatre makers adapt a text for the stage. This workshop draws on physical theatre techniques, referencing the National Theatre‘s production of Curious Incident, to explore how a text is taken from the page to the stage. Suitable for students in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Explore how theatre makers adapt a text for the stage. This workshop, created in conjunction with our upcoming production of Animal Farm, explores how a text is adapted for the stage and encourages young people to think about how they might stage this show. This is a great way to bring Animal Farm to life. Suitable for students in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

Gothic novels are a cornerstone of our Literary Heritage. In this workshop, pupils will use sound, movement and performance to bring to life the spooky world of literature’s gothic greats. Suitable for pupils in KS3 and KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form

10 years ago, on our journey to becoming the world’s first Theatre of Sanctuary, Leeds Playhouse staged Refugee Boy. This workshop looks at the process of adapting and staging Refugee Boy and encourages students to consider how they might take the play from the page to the stage. Suitable for students in KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

This workshop will help students to understand An Inspector Calls in context as a play text. Work with a professional theatre artist to explore and stage scenes from the play, thinking about how directors communicate the themes of the play and how actors explores the characters motivations. Suitable for KS4 students.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

This workshop will help students to understand A Raisin in the Sun in context as a play text. Work with a professional theatre artist to explore and stage scenes from the play, thinking about how directors communicate the themes of the play and how actors explores the characters motivations. Suitable for KS4 students.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.

This workshop is an in-depth exploration of Shakespeare‘s classic texts. Students will analyze the language of Shakespeare and become actors and directors, taking the text from the page to the stage. They will think about how a variety of dramatic techniques can be used to impact the text and communicate meaning to an audience. Suitable for students in KS4.

To enquire about this workshop please fill out this form.


    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Founded by UK government
  • Suppoprted by west Yorkshire
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell