Our Time

Every two weeks (Mondays)

  • Venue
    Online session (Zoom)
  • Time
    1pm - 2pm

Fortnightly drama, art, poetry, song, movement and dance sessions are designed for people living with dementia and their partners.

Our Time sessions are creative, uplifting opportunities for people living with dementia and their partners. Sessions take place online via Zoom.

This means we are able to welcome people with dementia living in any part of Leeds, who may be unable or prefer not to leave their homes. We offer gentle, fun activities for up to 12 participants in a supportive, friendly environment. Sessions are led by a dedicated team of artists and support staff.

We follow a similar structure each time to give people a sense of familiarity. This includes a gentle breath, movement and vocal warm-up and singing songs. We might also explore a theme through poetry, movement or storytelling.

Everyone who attends the session takes part together as equals. There are no right or wrong answers as we rely entirely on creativity, imagination and opinion. There is no pressure to recall facts.

You will need a reliable internet connection and access to Zoom via a mobile phone, tablet or computer.

Find out more

For more information or to join us for a session, please contact Nicky Taylor

Get in touch

Meet the team

Nicky Taylor

Theatre and Dementia Research Associate

Get in touch

    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Founded by UK government
  • Suppoprted by west Yorkshire
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell