Peer Support Cultural Partnership

12-week programmes for people living with dementia themed around theatre shows or museum exhibitions.

Since 2010 we have delivered regular dementia friendly creative sessions in partnership with Leeds City Council’s Peer Support Service for people living with dementia, Leeds Museums and Galleries and Leeds Libraries.

Together we welcome people with dementia and their partners to experience some of the cultural venues the city has to offer. Our 12-week programmes are themed around theatre shows or museum exhibitions, and we bring these to life through creative sessions, backstage tours and group visits.

Our most recent project was themed around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – The Musical and included learning: songs and choreography from the show at Leeds Playhouse; the history of chocolate boxes at Leeds Museums; local history of poverty and riches at Leeds Libraries; and exploring the sensory tricks used by artists at Leeds Art Gallery.

To join this group referral is needed through the Peer Support Service, for which a formal diagnosis of dementia is required. Contact us for more information.

Joining and referral

Contact us for more information

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    Arts Council
  • Leeds City Council
  • LTB Foundation
  • Founded by UK government
  • Suppoprted by west Yorkshire
  • Principal Partner

    Caddick Group
  • Principal Access Partner

    Irwin Mitchell